TCI, Year of Safety!

We put safety first at TCI which is why we are proud to announce that as of today, January 24th, 2019, our facilities have gone 365 days with zero recordable injuries! Our team has worked hard to improve our performance in multiple areas ranging from housekeeping and daily safety awareness to monthly face to face training.

There has also been the recent formation of an employee led safety committee to help maintain a focus on creating a safer work environment for all employees. We are very proud of everyone for making safety a priority, taking the right precautions, and creating a culture of safety excellence that enabled us to achieve this milestone.

As a way to celebrate we are having a cook-out next month at our Ellaville location. All TCI employees will be invited as well as the local first responders. This will be a great way for our team and our community to come together and recognize this achievement. Once again, thank you to all our dedicated employees for their commitment and effort toward maintaining a safe workplace. Great job everyone!